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Confidently manage your meeting spaces

Achieve your meeting management goals by tailoring Joan to your needs.

Connect your calendar

Book and manage meeting rooms without context switching. Joan connects with the calendar you already use for booking meetings.

Show meeting information

Joan displays a meeting room’s availability, information about the next meeting and lets you book your time slot on the spot.

Advanced analytics

Keep a finger on the pulse of your workspace utilization to provide the best possible experience and meet the highest efficiency standards.

Joan integrates with existing tools

Once you connect Joan with your favorite calendars and communication tools, scheduled meetings will automatically sync with relevant Joan displays.

Manage meeting rooms on
any tablet device

Put your existing tablets to work by displaying centrally-managed content on your screens.


Joan integrates with existing tools

 – Book meeting spaces, check-in to meeting, edit booking.

 – Display and track essential meeting information.

 – Extend, cancel or end a meeting.

 – Browse for free meeting rooms on your office floor plan.

 – Optionally enable desk booking.

Single Sign-On available

Meeting room booking tools

Joan Room Solution working with hardware device

Joan 6 Pro
Joan 13
Floor Stand 13-inch
Secure Wall mount 6-inch
Joan 6
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